Monday, December 20, 2010

Ferzan Ozpetek's Facing Windows : NZD29.90

Winner of 5 Italian Academy Awards David di Donatello 2003 for Best Film, Best Actor (Massimo Girotti), Best Actress (Giovanna Mezzogiorno), Best Score (Andrea Guerra) and the Premio David Scuola.

This film begins in 1943 in Italy. In its darkest days of war, the city reveals a haunting image of passion, rage and desperation. Having killed his employer, a young baker takes to the empty midnight streets, frantically searching for someone. Sixty years later, the heroine's husband brings home a confused elderly man and this has upset Giovanna, the heroine. Later, the mystery of the old man's identity has a profound effect on her. Her indulgence of gazing out her apartment window and a chance meeting at a bar have led her to a lover. From here on, the secrets of the old man's past are slowly revealed and Giovanna finds herself facing a series of choices about her life. This is certainly one of the best films of the past decade that I have seen.

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